Global Processes web Scientific Platform
About E Journal „Global Processes“ :
A quick glance at this first issue of Global Processes Journal highlights our commitment to publish a journal about Global trends, processes and to promote international multidisciplinary scope for processes which are going on in economy, politics, sciences, culture, and medicine.
Our E-Journal is open access so that anyone with an Internet connection and web browser can access the contents of the journal free-of-charge with absolutely no restrictions and/or registration. All published articles, photographs, tables, graphs, etc. are available online for the entire world to read, use, and exchange.
This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part and in any form for educationalor non-profit purposes without special permission from the copyright holder, provided acknowledgement of the source is made.
The Global Processes Journal would appreciate receiving a copy of anypublication that uses this publication as a source.
Suggested citation: Journal „Global Processes“ .
No use of this publication may be made for resale or any other commercial purpose whatsoever without prior permission in writing from „Global Processes“ Journal or authors of papers published in Journal „Global Processes“.
Applications for such permission, with a statement of purpose and intent of the reproduction, should be addressed to the E-mail:
About „Global Processes“ web Platform
Global Process web Platform is Open source for scientific cooperation”.
The aim is to conect institutions, indviduals and different organizations which are searching answers and solutions for a Global trends and processes.
Only together, because „We are All one“, we could make this Earth a Better place for future generations. And the Best ways are to build a bridges and forgot a word „problem“. There are not a problems just solutions.
Scientist are the Best diplomats of societies. Lets give them a chance to change present models and find the best answers on a Global tendences.
The same rules are for all Articles published on a Global Processes web Platform as for a „Global Processes“ Journal . Differences between GPJ and GP web Platform are : news and articles are shorter, web Platform is up dated daily and GPJ is published 4 times per year.