Propositions for Authors for „Global Process“  web Platform


Paper Guidelines:


Full papers should not exceed more than 12.000 characters (with spaces) including references, which are typed according to the below guidelines:


Article title: Times New Roman; 14 pt; bold; alignment centered; single -li ne spacing; All Caps (max. 100 characters with spaces).


Author name and title: Times New Roman; bold; 14 pt; single-line spaci ng; alignment centered.


Article text: Times New Roman; 12 pt; justify; 1.5 line spacing; margins: Top: 2,5 cm; Bottom: 2,5 cm; Left: 3 cm; Ri ght: 3 cm.

The scope of submitted text should not exceed more than 30. 000 characters (with spaces) including references. Text should be written in neuter gender, concisely and in correct orthography. Latin phrases should be set in italics.


Quotations: If they are brief (3 lines or fewer), quotations should be run on with the text. Longer quotations should be indented,without quotation marks. All indented quotations should be typed single-spaced.


Citation style: The author should follow Chicago Style (author-date system) for referencing, for example: (Dahl 1989, 45); (Geddes 1999, 134-43);(Linz 1975). All references should be given in full at first mention. Subsequent citations can be abbreviated. Footnotes should be kept to a minimum.


Headings and subheadings: Verdana; 12 pt; bold.


Proceeding for Papers:


First step is allways Abstract Submission.


After 7 days from Abstract Date Submissions Author will receive a Abstract acceptance notifications.


After Abstract acceptance notifications Author have a 14 days for Paper submission.


After 1st Paper revision ( Senior Editorial Board) and 2nd Paper revision (Executive Editorial Board) Authors got writte notifications about final accepted Papers.




All articles are published in Global Processes web Platform free of charge.


The Authors keep all Copyrights on their Papers published in Global Process web Platform.


With Submitions of Papers to the Global Processes web Platform ,Authors agree that Global Processes web Platform could published their Papers free of charge.


This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part and in any form for educational or non-profit purposes without special permission from the copyright holder, provided acknowledgement of the source is made.


The Global Processes web Platform would appreciate receiving a copy of any publication that uses this publication as a source.


Suggested citation: Global Processes web Platform .


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